"Thanks so much! You've been a great crowd! See you next week!"
On the unrelenting pressure to be entertaining.
Isn’t that incredible (and brave to admit)?
A woman visits her therapist, but instead of being honest about her mundane life, she feels compelled to tell a good tale, to entertain her audience, and to not be boring.
She’s performing… for her therapist! 🤦♂️
This reminds me of two big reasons why people are drawn to religion:
You don’t need to tell an entertaining story in which you are the main character. Instead, you are invited to become an essential part of an epic Story that’s already underway.
You can go to church, synagogue, mosque, or ________, and be yourself. You can be mundane and tiresome and repetitive and broken, yet still be seen and welcomed.
You can stand before your G*d (but not before your therapist, evidently), and say:
Here I am.
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